In Sickness and In Health: God never forsakes you

4 am stomach contents littered the trash pail.

A feeble body trekked to the back room and found a slumbering man.

In her stupor she requested assistance.

The shifting stirred the children.

Now a silent night gave way to peels of screeches.

Already weakened from the disease’s attack,

the energy grew thinner as the wails groaned on.

He took the babes and tried to quiet them, but for naught.

She relieved her partner.

In her last resort, she drew the babies to her, having nothing left to give.

Drained, she pressed on further.  In the wee hours of the dawn she witnessed his grace sufficient for her.

When she was weak, he was strong.

Her stability was a miracle.

Thank Jesus.

When she yearned for slumber, but the requirements of children pulled her away from such endeavors, she found a source of strength impossible with her current state of affairs.  It was only possible through the Holy Spirit’s strengthening.

Praise the Lord, oh my soul.  Thank you for helping me give more than I thought possible.  When I emptied myself and thought I couldn’t give more, you came in and lifted me up.

To God be all praise.

From him, all blessings flow and the ability to parent patiently, especially through illness and fatigue, is only a power capable through him.

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